A web app for reading registers from modbus servers.
On macOS via homebrew.
brew install modworm/modworm/soil
Unfortunately this version is not yet available via chocolatey due to the approval process. The binary can be downloaded from the releases page. Remember to add it to path.
Open a terminal and run soil to launch the app.
Open chrome and navigate to the loopback address on port 50901.
You can start up a rain server to connect to.
rain -d
The networks page scan devices and networks for open ports. It uses nmap under the hood. In order to avoid long scan times, some prudence is necessary when deciding selecting network/port combination. As a rule of thumb only scan a large number of ports for single device, and when scanning an entire network, try to keep the number of ports being scanned to a minimum.
The address can be specified in CIDR notations
A range, a set or a set of ranges can be specified for the ports
Once a scan is complete, select a port to connect to. Scans are saved across sessions, occasional re-scans are recommend.
The tables page will scan and map out all registers on a device. You can select a table to view its registers.
The app supports multiple data types. Only registers that were success mapped and read by the tables page will be shown. Registers are updated every second.
On macOS via homebrew.
brew uninstall soil
On windows via chocolatey
choco uninstall modworm-soil
Scan that take too long may fail due to a timeout.