
archive - soil v1.0.0

A tauri app for reading registers from modbus servers.


On macOS via homebrew.

brew install modworm/modworm/soil

On windows with powershell via chocolatey

choco install modworm-soil --version=1.0.0

Alternatively the binary can be downloaded from the releases page. Remember to add it to path.


Open a terminal and run soil to launch the app.


You can start up a rain server to connect to.

rain -d


The home page allow you to specify an IP and port to connect to.

soil home page

The app supports multiple data types out of the box. Along with the ability to read blocks of any size as long as all registers are valid. The address at the top left can be selected to target another server. Registers are updated every second.

soil home page


On macOS via homebrew.

brew uninstall soil

On windows via chocolatey

choco uninstall modworm-soil